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An Early Spring Tree


“耳朵做一串项链,被你锁进铁盒子;背脊做张床,偷听你呓语;双脚支起一面镜,清早时你好梳妆……” ——陈鸿宇《早春的树》

This series of work is inspired by Hong Yu Chen’s song An early spring tree, which tells a story from a tree’s perspective of how it imagines its life with a human being, with a spirit of whispering, devoting, possessing. "Ears as a thread of necklace, locked away in your steel box; Spine as bed, listening to your dream talk; Feet support a mirror, for your make-up in the morning...". 

I desire not only the imagery of the song, but the tenderness of it. 

Mirror - Object, mirror and brooch

Bed - Object, necklace and earrings

Jewel box - Container and necklace

An Early Spring Tree (2019): Text
An Early Spring Tree (2019): Pro Gallery
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